Monday, January 27, 2020
Examining The Sinister Atmosphere Of Macbeth English Literature Essay
Examining The Sinister Atmosphere Of Macbeth English Literature Essay In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, a sinister atmosphere is built up throughout the play. The very first scene is the witches, not Macbeth as you would expect. At first the witches discuss the battle, and then mention Macbeth. The first mention of Macbeth goes hand in hand with talk of battle and is spoken by the witches as if they know each other, there to meet with Macbeth. The audience will think he is evil if he associates with evil, thus painting a bad picture of him before he is even seen upon the stage. An audience will use the first scene of a play to gauge what the play will be about, and the first scene of Macbeth does that quite well. In it there is witchcraft, evil, talk of violence and things not being what they seem foul is fair, and fair is foul- . The scene is very short, just enough to give you a glimpse of the witches and the fact they will take part in the performance, but nothing of their goals or what they could be thinking. They are shrouded in mystery and will leave you thinking about them and what they said. The second time Macbeth is mentioned is by the king as brave Macbeth and as valours minion. This would betray the audiences expectations of Macbeth. Such compliments, and from no less than the king, is not what you would typically expect of someone who consorts with witches. Although, not all the praise is positive. Even though the king talks about how heroic he is, it is told that he is very violent. He carvd out his passage and then unseamd a man from nave the chaps, then fixed his head upon the battlements. All of this is very violent and merciless. He is then described to be Bellonas Bridegroom. At first this would look like a compliment, but upon closer inspection it follows the same merciless, violent tone as before. Violence and mercilessness are all normally traits of evil people, who are working against the greater good. So that is not a trait you would expect to find in the main character of the play. Violence is a large part of Macbeth, as it features heavily throughout. The play mainly consists of violent acts and the plotting behind them. A violent battle, graphically described, then the murder of the king, then the murder of Banquo. It is violent act after violent act. In the fifth scene of act one, Lady Macbeth conjures up a very sinister and violent picture when she mentions being able to dashed out the brains of her own baby while it was smiling in her face. This is very ruthless and says a lot about her character. The character of Lady Macbeth is very ruthless, evil and plotting from the very first time she appears. As soon as she hears of an opportunity to gain fortune and power, she instantly grabs at it, with no thoughts to whether it was wrong or right. This is in contrast to Macbeth, as before meeting the witches he was warlike, but not plotting or malicious. It was only after he met the witches that he changed. He says If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir when he is first told by the witches of his future. He wants the throne, but doesnt want to commit treason. Though his attitude here doesnt last long and is soon consumed by greed, and he no longer thinks this way. This change in character doesnt come about by his greed alone. It is influenced by Lady Macbeth. I think if it were not for her, Macbeth wouldnt have killed the king. If she had not been as power thirsty and told Macbeth it was a bad idea, he would have feasibly given up on this and forgotten about the witches. Macbeth wasnt as confident in the witches and had doubts. Conversely as soon as Lady Macbeth heard she was calling upon spirits that tend on mortal thought to unsex her, with little regard for the fact she was going to kill someone and break the law. I think it was her eagerness to gain power that made Macbeth kill Duncan. Before speaking to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth did have murder on his mind, but was doubtful. He was anxious and scared to kill the king. Even just before, and then after killing Duncan, Macbeth was having second thoughts. It was Lady Macbeth that rid him of his doubt and pushed him onward to go through with the deed. She was helping the witches in their plot for evil, coercing him and playing on his greed, albeit unknowingly. As Macbeths greed grew, so did his ruthlessness to protect his newfound power. He thought Banquo was a threat, so he had him killed. Before the witches came, Macbeth was friends with Banquo, now he was having him killed. Back at the very beginning Macbeth would not have thought of committing such an act. I think this change in character through greed is almost like a warning to people, to make sure the same thing does not happen to them. As Macbeth grew in power and greed, the acts he committed were becoming more sinister and evil. This was one of the most important features that William Shakespeare did to create the atmosphere he did.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Sexuality And Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay
Sex is a really broad construct. It is a nucleus facet of being human which includes gender, sex, gender and sexual individuality, erotism, sexual orientation, emotional attachment/love, every bit good as human reproduction. Sexuality is expressed or experienced in ideas, desires, phantasies, attitudes, beliefs, values, patterns, activities, functions, and relationships. The impact of gender on wellness publicity lies in the fact that its ( gender ) look is determined by a multiplicity of factors. Assorted factors including biological, socio-economic, psychological, cultural, religious/spiritual, and ethical factors find how one experiences and expresses one ââ¬Ës gender. Sexuality has a direct consequence on wellness publicity. Knowledge about gender therefore is really utile in publicity of wellness. Socio-economic, psychological, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of gender determine people ââ¬Ës wellness and intervention seeking behaviours particularly those who are already infected with HIV and/or other STIs. Culturally and socially generated beliefs that those people infected with HIV are promiscuous and immoral has led to stigmatisation of those PLWHA ( SaunamaA? ki et Al. 2010 ) . Consequently, as a consequence of the fright generated through stigmatisation, some patients, particularly those who are freshly infected, find it hard to seek early medical attention ( Outlaw et al. 2010 ) . The stigma environing gender and HIV/AIDs has an consequence on the wellness practicians themselves every bit good. It hampers the ability of the wellness practicians to supply the sex instruction that is needed as portion of the holistic medical attention that should be given to PLWHA. Surveies ( Lewis & A ; Bor 1994, Higgins et Al. 2006, Cort et al. 2001, Lavin & A ; Hyde 2006, Rana et Al. 2007 ) indicate that although nurses believe that discoursing issues of gender is of import and portion of holistic attention that should be administered to patients, many of them do non discourse issues of gender with patients. Although nurses gave assorted grounds for their reluctance to discourse issues of gender with their patients, their grounds boiled down to the socially construed facet of stigmatisation which surrounds gender affairs. As indicated in A Taiwanese survey ( Tsai 2004 ) , one of the grounds given for non discoursing gender is the fright of being embarrassed. The nurses besides feared that the patients would comprehend treatment of gender as irrelevant to intervention. A survey by Lewis and Bor ( 1994 ) found out that nurses in England seldom or wholly avoided including inquiries sing gender when acknowledging a patient into the ward. This indicates the fact that gender is a affair that is socially perceived as extremely personal and therefore is treated in secretiveness. This perceptual experience of gender negatively affects the publicity and disposal of wellness attention where unfastened treatment of gender is needed particularly when supplying wellness attention to PLWHA. Due to differences in beliefs across civilizations and faiths sing gender, wellness practicians frequently find it cumbersome to discourse gender with their patients. Practitioners find it disputing to undertake the issue of gender without piquing the patient. Sometimes, the patient may wholly decline to collaborate since his/her civilization does non let him/her to openly discourse gender affairs. Rather than confront these challenges, wellness practicians chose to avoid discoursing gender with their patients ( Rana et al. 2007 ) . This negatively affects wellness publicity every bit far as sexual wellness is concerned. The effects are even more serious when the patients are PLWHA. Sexual wellness publicity is besides really cumbrous among sex workers due to the repressive forces of socialisation which bring about stigmatisation. Discoursing affairs of gender with marginalized and vulnerable groups such as sex workers is a utile scheme in battling the spread of HIV/AIDs and other ST Is. Although, sex instruction targeted at sex workers is really indispensable, it is hard to transport it out because of stigmatisation that is generated through societal interaction ( SaunamaA? ki et Al. 2010 ) . Many sex workers fear coming out in the unfastened because the society perceive them as immorality and wicked and this hampers any opportunity of keeping a workshop with the sex workers for the intent of discoursing with them affairs about their gender that could assist in controling the spread of HIV/AIDs and other STIs. A survey carried out in Zurich, Switzerland, found out that some of the outstanding grounds given by sex workers for prosecuting in sex work were deficiency of another occupation, need for money to pay debts and purchase drugs, and need to give fiscal support to households ( Rossler et al. , 2010 ) . This indicates that low socio-economic position can take to harlotry and therefore impact the manner an single experiences or experiences her gender. The nexus between socio-economic position and look of gender among sex workers has an impact on wellness publicity. In a state of affairs where sex workers engage in the hazardous behaviour of sex work for economic grounds merely, wellness practicians find it hard to deter such sex workers from in harlotry since making so without turn outing an option would n't be practical and would probably run into opposition from the sex workers. In the same survey ( Rossler et al. , 2010 ) , 40 % of the interviewed sex workers asserted that they engage d in sex work because they liked it. This shows the linkage between psychological science and look of gender. It is apparent that the sex workers had a perverse craving for sex which is psychological in nature. In other words, they were enduring from sex dependence. Sexual activity workers who show dependence inclinations are besides a challenge to public wellness practicians since they contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS. In instances where sex workers are already infected with HIV/AIDS, there high hazard behaviour makes them an easy mark for secondary infection every bit good as infections with STIs. The socio-economic and psychological grounds for prosecuting in sex work pose a challenge for wellness publicity. It is hard to prosecute in any meaningful run against bar of spread of HIV/AIDS and other STIs by sex workers without turn toing the two ( socio-economic and psychological ) chief factors that cause harlotry. Given the nature of their occupation, sex workers frequently bow to the demands of their clients and engage in unprotected sex thereby increasing their hazard of HIV and other STI infections ( SaunamaA? ki et Al. 2010 ) . Even in instances where there is usage of rubbers for protection, sex workers are besides at high hazard of undertaking diseases that are spread through skin contact such as venereal warts. For the sex workers, gender is something that is expressed physically without an y emotional fond regards. Despite the societal stigma sex workers see along with repressive Torahs, they manage to exert their perverse look of gender. It shows that the demand for economic addition for some and pleasance for others is more powerful than the societal stigma. Expression of gender, for the sex workers, goes beyond cultural beliefs and norms. The sex workers ââ¬Ë high hazard behaviour non merely exposes them to HIV and other STIs but besides to maltreatment and force. A research carried out by Rossler et Al ( 2010 ) found out that most of the sex workers who were interviewed had experienced maltreatment and force including colza and physical force. This poses a new challenge for wellness publicity among the sex workers. Health practicians have to embrace the issue of force and maltreatment when discoursing affairs of gender with clients such as sex workers. Assorted people express their gender by prosecuting in sex due to assorted grounds. As pointed above, sex workers for case engage in sex for economic grounds every bit good as to seek pleasance. Other people may prosecute in sex for reproduction intents. Sexuality and reproduction is really ambitious in people who are already populating with HIV/AIDS. Health professionals find it a delicate issue to discourse gender with a patient life with HIV/AIDS and who has a strong desire to hold a babe. Although some adult females populating with HIV/AIDS may give birth to HIV free babes, this is non ever guaranteed as accidents may happen during birth that could take to infection. The physiological status of the female parent can besides take to the babe being infected while still unborn. Reproduction in the context of HIV/AIDS is hence a gender issue that straight affects wellness publicity. Peoples may besides prosecute for the intents of seeking titillating pleasance ( erotism ) . Studies s how ( Outlaw et al. 2010 ) that some people, particularly sex nuts, engage in titillating look of their gender when they are sing emphasis or depression. They titillating pleasance such people receive from sex Acts of the Apostless as a temporal counterpoison to their nerve-racking state of affairss. Newly infected patients with HIV for case, see a province of emphasis and depression one time they learn about their status. If such people are the type that engages in erotism when they are stressed or depressed, so they pose a challenge to wellness publicity. Due to their nerve-racking provinces, they can easy throw cautiousness to the air current and engage in titillating sex as a consolation to their nerve-racking conditions and thereby easy infect an unsuspicious sexual spouse with the HIV virus. For people populating with HIV/AIDS, prosecuting in sex with unprotected spouse because of emotional love/attachment, erotism, reproduction, or any other ground is ever hazardous irrespect ive of whether protection is used or non ( SaunamaA? ki et Al. 2010 ) . Protection merely reduces the opportunities of the clean spouse signifier acquiring infected or the opportunities of secondary infection but the hazard is ever skulking in the background. The look of gender through sex among people populating with HIV/AIDS is hence ever a great challenge to wellness practicians and their attempts to advance wellness. Understanding of issues sing gender is really of import in wellness publicity. Due to differences in beliefs sing gender across civilizations, there is demand to advance integrating and edify about the hurts of backward beliefs. Health practicians should take a bold measure and reference gender affairs with their patients particularly those populating with HIV/AIDS. Once patients, particularly those populating with HIV/AIDS, are made cognizant of the importance of gender treatment in advancing their wellness, they are likely to set a side their reserves for their ain good ( Mitchell & A ; Knowlton 2009 ) . Therefore, it is of import for wellness practicians to get down by explicating to the patient why gender treatment is of import and one time the patients understands the principle of such a treatment, the practician can so continue with turn toing gender issues that surrounds the patient ââ¬Ës medical attention. Privacy is of import in such treatments as most patients experience really insecure discoursing gender openly ( Tsai 2004 ) . Sexuality treatments will peculiarly be of benefit in advancing wellness among those patients populating with HIV/AIDS. Sexuality treatments targeted at wellness publicity should turn to all affairs sing gender including organic structure unity and sexual safety, erotism, gender, sexual orientation, emotional fond regards, and reproduction. Health practicians need to cognize and practically use the cognition they have about the above gender issues to wellness publicity. Sing organic structure unity and sexual safety, receivers of attention demand to be acquainted with wellness advancing behaviours for timely designation of sexual jobs ( Yang et al. 2010 ) . As a scheme for advancing wellness, sex workers for case can be encouraged to be executing regular check-ups and wellness showing to observe any sexual transmitted infection while it is still at its early phases of incubation. Early sensing increases the opportunities of successfully pull offing and handling the infection ( Lyttle & A ; Thompson 2004 ) . Sexual safety besides requires the proviso of schemes to forestall the happening of instances o f sexual coercion such as sexual force ( sexual maltreatment and torment ) which are peculiarly rampant among sex workers ( Mitchell & A ; Knowlton 2009 ) . One scheme of advancing wellness every bit far as sexual safety is concerned is go throughing of Torahs that protect persons from sexual coercion. When advancing wellness through sexual safety, wellness practicians need to educate receivers of attention about how to accomplish the freedom from undertaking or conveying sexually transmitted infections. In instance of those infected with HIV, cognition of one ââ¬Ës position is of import in avoiding transmittal of the virus or cases of secondary infection ( SaunamaA? ki et Al. 2010 ) . Body unity and sexual safety facet of gender besides requires the demand for decrease of inauspicious sexual effects of mental or physical disablements. Sexual wellness publicity besides entails the decrease of the negative impact of medical and surgical processs on an person ââ¬Ës sexual life. Refering erotism as another facet of gender, attention receivers need to be educated about their organic structure as related to sexual response and pleasance. Health attention practicians need to do attention receivers aware that sexual pleasance is of import in life and therefore should be achieved in a safe mode where a batch of duty is exercised and within a model where the rights of others are respected ( Lopez 2010 ) . Encouraging people to seek sexual pleasance responsibly and in a safe mode would be a peculiarly utile scheme of advancing wellness among sex nuts and sex workers. The wellness benefits would even be more marked if the pattern of consensual, honest, non-exploitative, and reciprocally enjoyable sex is encouraged and adopted by the attention receivers. Responsible sex behaviour means that people populating with HIV/AIDS for case, will first see issues of secondary taint or virus transmittal and thereby seek protection before prosecuting in sex. When discoursing gen der with patients, practicians besides need to adequately address issues of sexual individuality and sexual orientation in an attempt to advance wellness. Discrimination based on sexual individuality and orientation demand to be discouraged as it frequently leads to sexual force and maltreatment ( Higgins et Al. 2006 ) . It is of import for wellness practicians to understand that sex, sexual individuality, and gender in general has been surrounded by assorted beliefs and is treated with secretiveness as a agency to societal control. The society has put in topographic point assorted schemes in signifier of societal norms and beliefs which have makes affairs sing gender to be handled with extreme attention and secretiveness. Men and adult females have been socialized to execute certain distinguishable functions which help in specifying their sexual individuality. As discussed antecedently, transverse cultural beliefs refering gender and which have been used as a agency of societal control, straight affect wellness publicity. Health practicians are frequently faced with the challenge of patients who do non desire to discourse their gender since they consider it as a personal issue that should be treated with secretiveness ( Cort et al. 2001 ) . Some wellness practicians, like the patients they treat, be sides believe that gender affairs are personal affairs that should non be interfered with ( Coleman et al. 2009 ) . Due to the socially construed beliefs sing gender, proviso of holistic wellness attention where gender is discussed with patients becomes a challenge.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Healthcare Professional Career: Licensed Vocational Nurse
A Licensed Vocational Nurse carries out the following: First of all, an LVN takes care of the individuals who are suffering from injuries, sicknesses, disabilities, and even those who are on their way to recovery (US.., 2006).They do the aforementioned though based on the physiciansââ¬â¢, as well as, registered nursesââ¬â¢ instructions (US.., 2006). Secondly, they are responsible for checking the patientââ¬â¢s blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and other vital signs (US.., 2006). Third, it is also an LVNââ¬â¢s responsibility to change wound dressings, check catheters, manage bedsores, provides alcohol massages, as well as, to inject patients (US.., 2006). Fourth, an LVN is also accountable for a patientââ¬â¢s allergic reactions to any medication or treatment provided for by the health care institution (US.., 2006). Fifth, it is an LVNââ¬â¢s task to carry out laboratory tests or gather samples for testing, feed patients, and note down the intake of food and fluid, as well as, the number of times the patientââ¬â¢s urinated and defecated (US.., 2006).à Sixth, it is the LVNââ¬â¢s function to oversee the patientââ¬â¢s personal hygiene as well (US.., 2006). The LVN ought to help out a patient when taking a bath, dressing up, etc (US.., 2006). Seventh, LVNââ¬â¢s oversee patients who are about to take in prescribed medicines or intravenous fluids, however, this is only a function of LVNs in selected States where it is permissible to do so (US.., 2006). Eighth, they also provide assistance in the delivery, as well as, feeding of babies (US.., 2006). Ninth, LVNs can take charge and direct nursing assistants and aides but such task is only delegated to those LVNs who are considered to be experienced (US.., 2006). Tenth, LVNs are also in charge of assessment of needs of the patients, development of care plans, supervision of nursing aides, organization of patientsââ¬â¢ records, setting of appointments, and other responsibilities which are categorically clerical (US.., 2006). Personal Qualities and Abilities Needed for Success An LVN who intends to become successful should have the following personal qualities and abilities: 1) exceedingly caring; 2) extremely sympathetic; 3) emotionally stable; 4) can keep up with continuous stress; 5) enthusiastic; 6) very devoted; 7) decision-making skills; 8) good communication skills; 9) flexibility in taking orders of supervisors; 10) positive outlook in life; 11) extreme patience; 12) etc à (US.., 2006). Educational Requirements An LVN is necessitated to accomplish a practical nursing program from any State-approved learning institution (US.., 2006). A future LVN should pass the following subjects: anatomy, basic nursing concepts, drug administration, medical nursing, nutrition, obstetrics, pediatrics, physiology, psychiatric, surgical nursing, etc (US.., 2006). A soon-to-be LVN should also undergo a clinical practice in the hospital or any other health care institution (US.., 2006). It should be kept in mind that such clinical practice should be supervised (US.., 2006). Also, it should be noted that typically, a high school diploma is asked for before admission to the program aforementioned (US.., 2006). Licensure, Certification and/ or Requirements The following are the requirements necessitated for LVNs to qualify from the licensing exam technically referred to as NCLEX-ON (US.., 2006). Possible Places of Employment There are vacancies for LVNs in the following: 1) hospitals; 2) nursing homes; 3) offices of doctors; 4) home health care services; 5) homes for the aged/elderly; 6) educational services or institutions; 7) outpatient care health institutions; 8) Federal agencies; and 9) state agencies (US.., 2006). Advancement Opportunities LVNs have a lot of advancement opportunities and some of these are the following: 1) LVNs can supervise nursing aides and even other LVNs (US.., 2006). This is especially allowed in nursing homes/nursing care facilities (US.., 2006). 2) LVNs can undergo training programs to promote himself or herself and become a Registered Nurse (US.., 2006). Wages, Benefits, Standard Payroll Deductions LVNs working at the doctorââ¬â¢s office earn approximately 30K per year, while those who serve at surgical hospitals earn about 33K per year, those involved in home health care services earn about 35K per year, while those in the nursing care facilities are given about 35.5K, and last but not least, those who are in the employment services earn almost 42K per year (US.., 2006). Benefits include the following: 1) annual leave; 2) holidays; 3) retirement; 4) social security; 5) dental & medical plan; 6) long-term disability plan; 7) life insurance; 8) credit union; 9) deferred compensation; 10) bilingual pay; 11) night shift differential; 12) etc (US.., 2006). Standard payroll deductions include: taxes, social security, etc (US.., 2006). Job Outlook for the Future Projected Employment in CALIFORNIA It is said that the job outlook in California is superior and there will be an increase in the employment rate because of the fact that the number of population for the elderly continuous to increase (Licensed.., 2007). Preparing for an Interview I will prepare myself for an interview by making sure to keep the following in mind: 1) know more about the health care institution where I am applying at to add to my credibility; 2) dress up professionally and presentably; 3) practice answering typical interview questions; 4) find people who will serve as my references that will surely sell me to potential employers; 5) bring my resume, driverââ¬â¢s license, social security and other pertinent documents; 6) sell myself by proudly and confidently stating my strengths, abilities, etc; and 7) say thank you to the person who provided me with the opportunity to be interviewed (Ten.., 2007). References Licensed Vocational Nurse California. (2007). Retrieved April 17, 2007 from Ten Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview. Retrieved April 17, 2007 from US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2006). Licensed Vocational Nurses. Retrieved April 17, 2007 from
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Is This The Christ - 1613 Words
ââ¬Å"Is This The Christ?!â⬠John 7:24-36 Encouragement is contagious! Enthusiasm is contagious! Wow! I want you to know that I have looked back at the studies of John this week, and as we have looked at the record of this study of the life of Jesus according to John, we are being confronted by the exclusive claims of Jesus. ï ¶ We have seen Jesus come across some pretty neat people. ï ¶ We have seen Him perform miracles. ï ¶ We have been reminded that Jesus was a real person with a real family. ï ¶ We have seen Him make some claims that have cause people to leave Him. ï ¶ We have seen Him make some claims that have almost got Him killed. ï ¶ We have seen Him come into a direct contact with the Jewish leaders themselves. All of the while we are still told by John that he wants us to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and I have to tell you that for me it has brought the eyes of my own heart to be more open to Jesus. The convictions that I have: We have taken time for those things so that: We can be true to the Scriptures. The more and more that I have been praying about it and the more and more that I have enjoyed and that you have enjoyed going verse by verse through this book so that we can learn more about Jesus. I have had a better understanding of John and His writing as well. Now, letââ¬â¢s speed up a bit. I spent a lot of time last week focusing on the importance of the Word of God in our lives here in the midst of the 21st Century. I hope that after lastShow MoreRelatedChrist And The Holy Spirit. Introduction. This Week We797 Words à |à 4 PagesCHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT INTRODUCTION This week we studied Pneumatology, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It was an opportunity to learn about this unsung hero of the Trinity who, though ever present with us, we seldom mention or think of and often do not give the respect he merits. 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